Shooting Infrared with the Opteka 6.5mm f/3.5 Fisheye Lens
Infrared Photography"canadian wildlife photographer", "european wildlife photographer", "fotografo naturalista italiano", ©Steve Troletti - TrolettiPhoto.com, 105mm, 2014 Bird Migration Montreal Quebec Canada North America, American, american nature and wildlife photographer, Amérique du Nord, animal, animal planet, animalia, animalier, Arachnid, Arboretum Stephen-Langevin, Art and Culture, Art Exhibit, Arts, aves, avian, Biology, bird, birding, Birds, Bois Papineau, boulders, Bugs, california, camera, canada, canadian nature and wildlife photographer, canadiannature and wildlife photography, canon, Canton de Fribourg, Canton de Vaud, Cheyres, chordata, current, d300s, D810, Discover, éco, ecology, ecosystem, eggs, environment, Estavayer-le-lac, états unis, europe, european nature and wildlife photographer, fauna, faune, faune ailée, feeding, female, First Nations Garden / Le Jardin des Premières-Nations, Fisheye Lens "Italian wildlife photographer", Flora and Fauna, forest, fragile, france, French conjugation, fribourg, garden, heron, hoya, ile de la visitation, infrared, Infrared Photography, infrarouge, insect, Insects, ir, italia, italian nature and wildlife photographer quebec nature and wildlife photographer, italian nature and wildlife photography, italy, jardins botanique de montreal, juvenile, L. L. Lozeau, Lasalle, light, long beach, los angeles, lozeau, macro, Macro Photography, Macrophotography, malibu, Mammal, mammals, manfrotto, marsh, media type, Midi-Pyrenees, Migration d'oiseaux 2014 Montréal Québec Canada Amérique du Nord, milano, montreal, montreal botanical garden, montreal nature park, montreal urban nature, nat geo, natgeo, National Geographic, Nature, nature and wildlife photography with steve troletti, Nature Photography, Nesting, neuchatel, nikkor, nikon, Nikon D300s, nikon d810, North America, oiseaux, Oisillons, Ontario, ornitho, ornithologie, ornithologiste, ornithologue, ornithology, ornitologie, Outings & Workshops, parc de l'ile de la visitation, Parc de la Frayère, parc de la pointe aux prairies, Parc des Rapides de Lachine, parc nature - bois-de-l'île-bizard - nature park, Parc-nature de l'Île-de-la-Visitation, Parc-nature de la Pointe-aux-prairies, Parc-nature du Bois-de-Liesse, park, people, Photo, photographe, photographe animalier canadien, photographe animalier européen, photographe animalier italien, photographe animalier quebecois, photographe animalier suisse, photographe nature canadien, photographe nature européen, photographe nature italien, photographe nature quebecois, photographe nature suisse, photographer, Photographie, photographie animalière, photographie nature, photography, Photography Gear, picture, Planet Earth, planète terre, plants and vegetation, predator, preservation, prey, prfessional, pro, Product Reviews, professional, quebec, quebec nature and wildlife photography, r72, rapids, Recreation, red fox, Rive Sud, River, rocks, scenery and landscapes, schweiss, Shopping, shore, snow, sorens, Sortie Ornithologique, spider, spring, stefano, stefano troletti, steve, steve troletti, suisse, Suisse Romande, swiss nature and wildlife photographer swiss nature and wildlife photography, switzerland, The Chinese Garden, tree, trees, troletti, trolettiphoto, trolettiphoto.com, United States, United States of America, united states of america - usa, Université de Montréal, urbain, Urban Nature, urban travels, varese, video, videos, Ville de Boucherville Boucherville, water, West Island, wetlands, wilderness, wildlife, wildlife photography, wordpressSteve Troletti
For the last year I’ve been playing with the 2016 update of the Opteka 6.5mm f/3.5 Manual Focus Aspherical Circular Fisheye Lens. Once manufactured side by side with the Samyang and Rockinon fisheye lenses