Une maman renard roux enjouée
Cette femelle renard roux m’a pris par surprise. Elle c’est dirigeait vers moi, c’est assise, a gratté quelques puces et a fait une sieste. Après environ 15 minutes, elle a commencé à
Read More...Cette femelle renard roux m’a pris par surprise. Elle c’est dirigeait vers moi, c’est assise, a gratté quelques puces et a fait une sieste. Après environ 15 minutes, elle a commencé à
Read More...Pesto (Alias – Pesto la peste) est un Toui catherine (Perruche Catherine en France) avec une attitude! Il se remet actuellement d’une expérience traumatisante, l’heure du bain! Tout comme votre gamin de 5 ans, Pesto ressent
Read More...Pesto (A.K.A. Pesto the Pest) is a Barred Parakeet with an attitude! He’s currently recovering from a a traumatic experience, bath-time! Just like your average 5 year old, Pesto feels excruciating pain and
Read More...Base of Dorwin Falls / Base des chutes Dorwin – IR, originally uploaded by Steve Troletti – photos.tempusaura.com. Here’s an image I’ve loved since the moment I took it. It’s a winter
Read More...This week marked a milestone in this Spring’s 2014 bird migration. The Song Sparrows arrived in the Montreal region. First making their way in wooded areas around the St Lawrence Seaway, they have
Read More...Ces Loriquets à tête bleue sont les oiseaux les plus curieux et interactifs que je n’aie jamais vu. Nous étions entourés par des centaines d’entre eux. Un par un, ils ont essayé de faire
Read More...These Rainbow Lorikeets were some of the most curious and interactive birds I’ve ever encountered. We were surrounded by hundreds of them. One by one they tried to make their way into
Read More...Female Common Merganser swimming in Lake Neuchâtel. Image taken in the area of Font located between Estavayer-le-lac and Cheyres along La Grande Cariçaie, right below Châbles. (Canton de Fribourg, Switzerland) The Common Mergansers are
Read More...WINTER 2019 / 2020 CURRENTLY EVALUATING THE NEW GENERATION SNOWBURBAN – REVIEW COMING SOON My quest for the perfect winter boot for the outdoor & nature photographer on the move, has led
Read More...Overview: Please take note that the main point of this article is to create awareness regarding snowy owls exhaustion after a long migration into Southern Quebec. (Baiting is secondary) They need their